casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Lea Valley Croc and other possible sightings…

As we explored our new area we encountered the ever-invasive nemesis of the rich, famous and newly commissioned officers – the paparazzi!

Having just discovered the oldest tidal mill in the UK(!) (Yes, it’s in the borough of Newham!) we were accosted by a man with a microphone. [Note from writer: when I say ‘accosted’ the man in question was actually very polite, but that just wouldn’t write as well]

Anyway, in recent days rumours have abounded that a crocodile is loose among the ‘valley of lea’. Fact or fiction; Urban myth or urban nuisance – the possible sightings have caused quite a stir. Predictably enough, the local media are keen (pardon the pun) to ‘get their teeth’ into a juicy little story – hence the microphone.

As enthusiasm for the story has dwindled and passed it got me thinking about rumours of a slightly different kind. Rumours of an alternative lifestyle. Rumours of a provocatively different people. Rumoured sightings of a counter-cultural, community-challenging, life-enhancing Church. I’ve heard the rumours, but have I seen it?


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