casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Where's me crampons?!

So they say!

And I have no reason to doubt them. I don’t mind admitting that I’m getting a little nervous! Having phoned the hospital to find out what time they want us and having been told that there is ‘no room at the inn’ just yet I feel a bit like the condemned man awaiting the firing squad. Not (I must add rather hastily!) that I feel in anyway ‘condemned’ by the course of events! Nervous, but not condemned.

After all, ‘things will never be the same again!’

Given that I have rarely held a young baby let alone change, burp or feed one(?!) the learning curve upon which I am about to embark is undoubtedly going to be a steep one, but I am reliably informed (I’ve done some reading!) that I should be able to negotiate it with crampons and a good strong harness!

As it happens, mountaineering and childbearing seem to share a few similarities: they’re not for the faint-hearted and there’s a lot of expensive equipment to buy. Bizarrely, some people do them both for fun!


Blogger Gordon said...

congratulations on the birth........ of a new blog!! :o) Hope all is well with Lisa and Joshua James Hanover!

BTW - I've gone off blogging now!

12:35 PM


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