casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Festive fun and cultural confusion?!

I recently heard of a quiz contestant who was asked to name two of Santa's reindeer. After a moments thought the contestant responded 'Rudolph and Olive'. Attempting to mask his surprise the quizmaster said 'Yes, we're aware of Rudolph, but where does Olive come from?' The eager contestant reminded him of the song - 'Rudolph the red nosed reindeer'. With the quizmaster still unconvinced the contestant began to sing...

'Rudolph the red nosed reindeer had a very shiney nose,
and if you ever saw it you would even say it glowed.
Olive the other reindeer....!!'

All right, all right - it amused me! But it serves to illustrate that at this time of year not everyone gets the point.

Would the real Christmas people please stand up?


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