casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Sunday, July 17, 2005

It's official!

After 688 days - the longest training session on record(!) the POWs have served their time and have been released. We've made it and we're off to Stratford.

Friday, July 01, 2005

‘Not that Stratford!’

Having been sent to rejuvenate the Salvation Army’s work in Stratford a common theme and rhythm developed to ensuing conversations:

Just about everyone: ‘Do you know where you are going?’
Us: ‘Yes, we’re off to Stratford.’
Just about everyone: ‘Oh, Shakespeare country, that’ll be lovely.
Us: ‘No, not that Stratford. Stratford-upon-Thames.’
Just about everyone: ‘Oh dear, East London? I’m sorry.’

Despite the foreboding apologies, we’re really pleased to be in ‘Stratford-upon-Thames’. We’re excited to learn what God has in store. We’re eager to see the things of the Kingdom in E15. notthatstratford is the story so far.