casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Welcome to parenthood?!

One week in and we’ve had our first trip to hospital as parents. The midwives had some concerns and asked us to take Joshua in to see a doctor. Now the bottom line is that he is ok (he’s a healthy one week old boy who likes his sleep!), but we didn’t know that as we waited at Newham University Hospital. It was a costly experience.

It was costly because as we sat on plastic chairs in children’s A&E with some old ‘Only Fools and Horses’ episode prattling on we were worried. Worried because we didn’t know what was wrong or what was going to happen.

It was costly because as we sat in a crowded waiting room with other similarly worried parents whose worlds were also being threatened we felt so protective yet desperately helpless.

It was costly because hospital parking is, well, costly!

(NB: Newham’s current pricing: 1-2 hours = Arm
3-4 hours = Leg
4-6 hours = First Born)

Despite how costly it was, it was worth it.

It was worth it for the peace of mind and the reassurance that we received.

It was worth it because we glimpsed how God the Father, the Creator must feel as he anxiously(?) watches the world he has lovingly created. The world for which he desperately wants the best, yet the world that so often chooses less than that.

It was worth it because once we were home relaxing in the chair having some ‘father/son time’ as he studied me with his deep blue eyes the night’s earlier excitement/anxiety vanished.

However costly this parenthood lark is, I’m beginning to appreciate that all the fear, worry and ulcers in the world will be worth it.


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