casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

the dying 'art of conversation': too many questions

We continue to get to know the local 'kids' (most of whom are young adults). 'Kids' who hang out on the green at the centre of our estate. 'Kids', who sporadically let off fireworks, race their scooters around the streets and regularly terrorise pizza delivery men. 'Kids', most of whom have been excluded from school and are slowly beginning the often irreversible slide downwards as society gives up on them. Here's a snippet...

'They think you're Police.'

'Why, are the Police handsome too?!'

'Yeh right, na, you dress like an undercover officer (many would suggest that's what we are?!), it's the car you drive(!) and you ask lots of questions.'

'But have any of you ever moved to a new area? How else do you get to know about people and the story of the community?'

'Oh, so you're not Police then?'

'No, but you think I look more like a policeman than a vicar?'

'You're a vicar?!'

'Amongst other things.'

Stirred and surprised by this revelation an enthusiastic question and answer 'session' ensued without a policeman in sight! As far as I know!

I'm still going to be asking questions, but perhaps I need to get a new wardrobe!


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