casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A good point?!

This morning as I dragged myself around the Isle of Dogs at some unearthly hour (I perhaps should state that I was jogging, I wouldn't want anyone thinking I was actually dragging myself in some Opus Dei style of self-flagellation!). Anyway I digress... I shuffled along, a vigorous and indepth medical debate ensued on the Chris Moyles show. Split, perhaps predictably, down gender lines, discussion focused upon the potency of 'man flu' - a phenomenon much maligned and scoffed at by those incapable of ever really knowing - namely the female half of the human species.

You can imagine the nature of the chat, which was considerably invigorated when one brave (foolish?!) male suggested that suffering from 'man flu' was like having a baby! Naturally enough this brought a firm rebuttal from the feminine side of the argument. But as her co-presenter pointed out since she had neither experienced 'man flu' or indeed child birth she was unable to offer any credible critique. Encouraged by this obvious weakness, the 'man flu' advocate pressed home his advantage by highlighting the fact that even those ladies who have produced a painfully large child from an obviously too small 'area' are unable to undermine the claim as the clearly are unable to experience 'MAN flu'!

A good point - well made? DISCUSS. I dare say it depends on your physical 'make-up', but while us men will 'never know' what it's like to give birth, 'you' women will never know what it's like to have 'man flu' (and whatever song and dance we may make about having it, we're unlikely to blame you for our predicament, break the bones in your hand, or swear uncontrollably!)

BLOGGING CAVEAT: it goes without saying that my wife (Captain Hanover) did none of the afore-mentioned things!

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Blogger Keeley said...

i have to drag myself to the ise of dogs every morning to go to 6th form and i find dificult because i woyld prefer to be in bed lol.

2:22 AM

Blogger Dublin Mom said...

What exactly is 'man flu'? Is it flu, like a viral illness that men, women, and children all get, becuase that does not even closely compare to childbirth. Or is it a euphemism for something else?

5:33 AM

Blogger Chris H said...

"Man Flu" is caused by the same organism that causes the common cold (or "sniffles") in women. Men, however, take a much worse reaction to it and can be incapacitated for days on end.

10:22 AM

Blogger Roz Lynch said...

I am not going to comment...suffice to say that the Urban Dictionary has a good definition for Man Flu.

BTW are u able to come Wednesday?
Details here

1:04 PM


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