casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Hanover Boys

Without doubt one of the highlights of the last few days was when Daniel and Joshua met for the first time.

It seemed that over the last week Joshua had somehow worked out that something was afoot. He’d recently started lifting Lisa’s tops (hopefully a pastime he’ll grow out of!) to pat her tummy saying ‘baby, baby!’ And then the morning after Daniel had been born (but not yet home) when he got up, Joshua made his way from his cot to the crib we’ve put up in our room to look in saying ‘baby? baby?’ Somehow he knew things were about to change!

So when he finally met Daniel, it’s fair to say Joshua was well excited! With his incessant mantra of 'baby, baby, baby!' and his insatiable need to get as close as brotherly possible, he’s been lovely ever since – really affectionate and intrigued by this new arrival. Whether the novelty will wear off when he realises Daniel’s here to stay and competing for scarce resources, only time will tell!



Blogger Johnny said...

So so pleased to hear your good news, Nick & Lisa!


God is good!


2:58 PM

Blogger Stacey said...

Congratulations, what a lovely pic Joshua looks all grown up now!! Hope all is going well, love to all and well done lis! Stacey xxx

11:44 AM

Blogger Gordon said...

great piccy! We in the cotterill house are united in our sayng of ahhh!

12:31 PM

Blogger Cosmo said...

Congratulations Nick & Lisa.

Great news!!

(But what on earth were you doing that caused you get to the hospital with so little time to spare?!)

4:49 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations Lisa & Nick. Great photo of Joshua and Daniel - aaahhh!
Hope you are all ok.
Lots of love
Rachel xxx

12:23 AM

Blogger Thomas said...


Congrats again! You've been blessed with two gorgeous GINGER boys! God must love you!

God is good! God is thinking a bit GINGER!

Can't wait to let him in the GINGER club!

Wow, and Congrats again!!!

Thomas - Leader of the GINGER Club
Joshua being my deputy!
Daniel being Joshua's adviser (and current mascot in the GINGER club

1:25 PM

Blogger Thomas said... photo loooks blondish, but lets hope he is GINGER!

1:27 PM


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