casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Friday, September 09, 2005

Lessons from friends 1: The ‘theology of space’

Having recently met Barry and Shane, teenage lads from our estate who are desperate to have a safe 'space' in which to 'listen to their music' I was reminded of lessons learnt from our friends at Poplar...

A strong ‘theology of space’ (Genesis 12:1-3) permeates much of the missional activity at Poplar Salvation Army. This is particularly apparent throughout the work with the younger end (Paradise Zone youth club) of an increasingly marginalized local society. As any ‘paradise’ should be it is a comfortable, safe, secure, and conducive environment in which young people are free to express themselves.

One of the key aspects is the sense of ownership – the club belongs to those who attend. Empowered by trust to maximize their potential, members invest of themselves ‘into the club’. The culture of ownership is further enhanced by the belief that if you give them your best (time, facilities, resources etc.), people respect it.

Given that ‘the overall purpose of human communication is – or should be – reconciliation. It should ultimately serve to lower or remove the walls of misunderstanding which unduly separate us human beings, one from another.’ (Peck, 1990:257)

It is my belief that acceptance, tolerance, mutual respect and understanding are central to mission. The extent to which we nurture healthy, constructive environments and authentic relationships built upon trust, honesty and openness will determine the effectiveness of our mission. These, for me, are the underlying principles of the theology of space.

Hopefully, we will 'flesh-out' this theology as we spend time with Barry, Shane and their friends.


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