casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wise words

On a recent TV gameshow one of the contestants, (Shawn) having won $1million was offered the chance to double it (or lose it!) on the flip of a coin.

Having spent an hour considering what to do and with most of his fellow contestants urging him to 'gamble and flip', a friend stepped forward with three simple words of advice...

'Manage your curiosity'.

Amidst a pretty predictable show these words stood out and struck me as particularly wise counsel.

Curiosity of course can be a great motivator, encouraging risks to be taken, moulds to be broken and fresh paths to be trod. Curiosity drives the pioneer.

But, (is there always a 'but'?) curiosity can be a malevolent guide prompting reckless action. Ever since the Garden of Eden many have been led astray by the allure of 'what if'. Curiosity fuels temptation.

Remember what curiosity did to the cat!

Curiosity can and, perhaps at times, should be managed.

Shawn did and took the money.


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