casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I had such plans...

As Robert Burns once wrote…

‘The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft a gley,
An’ lea’e us naught but grief an’ pain,
For promised joy!’

Today I had plans, but they’ve gone well and truly ‘a-gley’!! My plans have gone so far out of the window they’re not aware there ever was a window! Still, I guess that’s the way it goes sometimes.

I’m not sure about the ‘grief an’ pain’ that Burns writes of but I’ve met some interesting people and had some great conversations.

Geoff came to check our fire extinguishes – nothing remarkable in that perhaps, but Geoff was a really nice, down-to-earth guy and it was good to talk. We spoke about work, our wives, his boys, my son, his parents, football, fostering, autism and a whole host of other things. We talked about the things of life; two men who didn’t know each other. Yet as we shared our stories and talked about our passions, interests and shared experiences there seemed to be a connection, an understanding. Fleeting perhaps, but I was reminded of the power of stories to enrich our relationships.

Similarly Tariq came round to see if we could work together to support local families from various ethnic minority groupings. As we talked about different potential projects inevitably the conversation drifted and spilled into the things of life again. Again it was two men chatting, two very different men, yet two very similar men. Both men of faith, Tariq’s a Muslim, I’m a Christian. Both men away from ‘home’ Tariq’s from Bangladesh, I’m from Scotland. Both married, both fathers, both of us want the best for our families. Having both moved into Stratford, both of us have a desire to serve the local community, to support the marginalized be they young, old, black, white, Muslim or Christian.

As we sat and talked I was again aware of so much that we shared in common, so much that united us. While undoubtedly different, our similarities were also undeniable.

My plans may have been thwarted and I’ll no doubt ‘pay’ for it tomorrow, but I’m glad I met Geoff and I’m glad I spent time with Tariq. I’ve learnt a lot. I’m still learning that when I’m not looking for things, not expecting people, things and people come my way.

‘Many are the plans in a man’s heart, bit it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.’ PROVERBS 19:21

Thank goodness for that!


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