casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Monday, May 22, 2006

The New Mr and Mrs Hanover and their incredibly edifying friends!

Had a crackin’ time at the weekend witnessing and celebrating the marriage of my brother (affectionately known as ‘Weeman’) and Katie. I can confirm that the deed is done! And despite persistent predictions of gales and torrential rain the day went really well.

Mind you, one bit of advice I would offer for any future best men is to avoid the use of the church bells directly after the service if the plan is to take photos around the church! Trying to get the right people for the right photos at the right time is not made any easier by the deafening accompaniment of century old bells!

Highlights included meeting new members of the family (Gareth, Laura and Donna); discovering that my cousin is about to have a book published… on Company Law! (the ‘brains’ of the family!); having the opportunity to ‘avenge’ the mess made of our car four years ago! seeing the astoundingly entertaining Choriwe – a magician who’s performing art has to be seen to be believed! being reminded that marriage is (or should be?) a snapshot of who God is and the love He has for all of us. And that as such when we look at those who are married (specifically in this instance Simon & Katie) and see the kind of relationship that is enjoyed, we should be convinced of the existence of a loving God; but perhaps one of the most impressive things was just how encouraging and appreciative the friends of the Bride and Groom were (who'd have thought a Lionel Richie song would go down so well?!) – I’ve never met such an edifying bunch of people!

Thanks for a great day. Our prayer for you both is that you would trust in God and in each other, hope unswervingly and learn to love extravagantly.

P.S. – Keep the encouraging friends!


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