casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Thursday, June 01, 2006

One to watch - KiDULTHOOD

Last night, as we celebrated our quartet of married years we decided to have a nice romantic evening watching a DVD: but not for us some slushy, happy-ever-after rom-com. No, we watched KiDULTHOOD – a ‘powerful, moving and unforgettable - kicks the door off the hinges’ film! Convincing in parts, unintentionally funny in others, although not in the same league as 'City of God' it's still one to watch, but certainly not an easy one!

I warily recommend it while reiterating how shocking it is. If you’re anything like us you’ll…

…be shocked at the messy, even chaotic lives that are depicted and you’ll worry about what really goes on in schools these days!

…be shocked that this film is only rated just 15 (is that a sign of age?!).

…be shocked at the state of the English language (now I really am sounding like my dad!):

‘if you eye ‘em, ding me cos am goin' to mash ‘em up. You get me – blood!’ (Lisa would not have complained if I’d put the subtitles on!)

A depressingly challenging film, if it accurately portrays the lives being lived by even a handful of teenagers we (as a society) are in trouble. As the blurb on the box makes clear ‘in a world where sex is currency, drugs are easy, and violence is a way of life, trouble can never be too far around the corner’.

As I spent some time this afternoon with Danny, Bradley, Reece and Andreas (some of the teenagers from our estate) I couldn’t help wondering what lay around the corner for them.


Blogger Charlie Chikankata said...

Cheers mate for the recommedation.

I'll see if I can get it at the local video stores - it's only about 100 miles away!

9:03 AM


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