casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

To change or not to change,
That is not the question,
Rather, on whose terms?

While talking about his forthcoming new book ‘On the Road to Kandahar’, Jason Burke argued that Islamic fundamentalism is a struggle to modernise rather than an often perceived struggle to return to the past. He contends that while most understand there is a need to modernise the struggle results from various factions ‘competing’ for influence. Modernising is unavoidable, but on whose terms? The clerics who favour a religious development? The men who wish to maintain their control? The women who seek more freedom? The struggle ensues.

I would argue that it’s not only the Muslim community that are faced with the challenge of change. An ever-changing world demands constant change, it’s unavoidable, but on whose terms?

[Incidentally, if you’re interested in getting to grips with and understanding radical Islam it sounds like a book worth looking out for – when it’s eventually published.]


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