casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What's wrong with a drought anyway?!

Mr Noah built an ark,
The people thought it such a lark.
Mr Noah pleaded so,
But into the ark they would not go.

And the rain came down in torrents,
And the rain came down in torrents,
And the rain came down in torrents,
And only eight were saved.

Until yesterday, this was just a song we'd used in assemblies, but yesterday the chorus became an annoying reality!

The rain came down in torrents, the roof couldn't cope and the parts of our blossoming hall were well and truly flooded! I can confirm there was no ark and it certainly wasn't a lark!

What was also nice was the fact that our 'friendly' plasterer who was working in the hall at the time didn't think to tell us what was happening as he watched the water flowing down the walls! He just mentioned (in passing!) as he packed up for the night! Maybe he thought there was likely to be more work in it for him?!

Who invented flat rooks anyway? And why?!


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