casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Who's responsible?

I’ve been to court today. It was my first day in court since leaving a law degree two years early. It was my first time at Stratford Magistrates. You may (or may not?!) be glad to know I wasn’t the one in the dock, it was my friend Paul.

My friend Paul, who has been in and out of prison for the majority of his adult life - this was not his first visit to Stratford Magistrates.

My friend Paul, who since his release from prison last year has done his best to make a fresh start.

My friend Paul, who has been off the drugs for two and half years and works voluntarily with disaffected youngsters through the Community Drugs Team.

My friend Paul, who has little or no hope of getting a job because of his violent past.

My friend Paul, who is caught in a benefit trap that means if ever did swing a job he’d lose his house.

My friend Paul, who rarely has anything to eat or drink unless we give him it.

My friend Paul who bravely resists the temptation to make money the only way he knows.

My friend Paul who desperately wants to give back to society, to make a difference and help others benefit from the mistakes in his past – he was in the dock. But I’m not sure he should’ve been.

Don’t get me wrong, he’d definitely done it, he admitted it, he pleaded guilty. While cycling down Green Street he’d been hit by a bus and knocked flying. His split-second response was to punch the windscreen causing it to shatter and £400 damage.

I’m not condoning what Paul had done, but I’m not sure it should’ve been Paul in the dock. I’m not sure he was solely to blame for what happened. I think we as a society have much to answer for.

A society whose lazy response to crime is a depressingly futile reliance on custodial sentences.

A society whose concern for punishment is often revenge-driven.

A society that thinks that any talk of rehabilitation is soft.

A society with an incredibly narrow understanding of justice.

A society only too happy to write the likes of Paul off.


Blogger Thomas said...

hey nick its thomas, hope you lot down at stratford are alright.

looking foward to nandos tonight. I wont forget to come and meet you at club.

say hi to lisa and josh for me and ill see you later.

the free ranged chicken

1:43 AM


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