casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Sunday, March 18, 2007

How very dare we!

It would seem we owe the people of Startford and in particular the churches of Stratford, an apology! Quite unknowingly we are guilty of ‘rude planting’! For which we say ‘sorry’.

At the recent Crucible weekend Stuart Murray explained that wherever possible ‘rude church planting’ should be avoided. How or what is rude church planting? Simply put, it is planting that takes place without properly consulting the churches and other agencies that already exist and work in a given community. It’s planting that in effect barges in and plonks itself down. It’s planting that inadvertently fails to respect the work of those who are already investing locally. It’s planting that at best is a little naive and at worst smacks of arrogance – and it’s downright rude!!

So while we would be reluctant to shoulder the full responsibility for the rudeness of our inherited planting ‘strategy’ we apologise nonetheless!

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Blogger Gordon said...

ahh - but how long has TSA been in Stratford

3:21 PM

Blogger Mitchenstein said...

That's what I was going to say... They should apologise to you for nicking your flock!

4:43 PM


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