casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Say ‘we are top of the league, say we are top of the league!’

It’s not often a Scottish fan gets to say that! Unfortunately it’s not a ‘league’ that anyone wants to top. According to a United Nations report Scotland is the most violent country in the developed world. And what’s more England and Wales are second.

The UN figures suggest that violent crime has doubled in over the past 20 years to a level comparable with crime-ridden cities such as Rio de Janiero. So what has led to this table-topping performance?

Alcohol. Or more accurately the abuse and misuse of alcohol. Many experts are convinced that a heavy-drinking culture is to blame for rise in violence. So much so that Chris Allison form the Association of Chief Police Officers maintains that ‘drunkenness is all we are ever dealing with’.

In his book The Provocative Church Graham Tomlin contends that ‘the beginnings of Christian life and witness lie in dissatisfaction with the way things are’ (2002:27). If that’s the case I’m ready to live and witness. I never thought I’d say it but I’m not happy with Scotland being ‘top of the league’. In fact I desperately want them to be relegated.


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