casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Monday, December 26, 2005

The irony of a great Christmas Day…

It’s fair to say that Christmas Day was a busy day, but it was a cracker (no pun intended!).

It was great to be part of an established and committed team for whom catering for, serving and entertaining 80 or so people is seemingly second nature.

It was great to meet new people and to feel we were really making a difference.

It was great to have some our new friends from Stratford helping out.

Strangely it was great to knock on the wrong door.

You see as we weaved our way around East London picking our guests up I managed to buzz the ‘wrong’ flat. Instead of finding Harry I met Eva who was disappointed to learn that I wasn’t delivering meals. She was facing another day on her own until we managed to ‘knock on the wrong door’! It pretty much made my Christmas to see how chuffed she was to be invited out for the day and to see her face light up when she arrived at the centre to see a number of her friends also tucking in.

She didn’t seem to mind that her driver was a convicted getaway driver! Mind you, having spent a few hours being driven around by Paul I’m not surprised that he got caught!


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