casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Monday, December 19, 2005

A ‘Taste of Christmas’ - a recipe


One SA Emergency Vehicle
Plenty of mince pies
Urns of tea and coffee
A group of musical friends willing to provide seasonal music
Some carol sheets


…(hopefully) people.

To be honest once we had printed the invitations for our ‘Carols on the Green/ Taste of Christmas’ ‘event’ we had second, third and fourth thoughts about how things would pan out.

For one reason or another many of our established ‘contacts’ and new friends on the estate couldn’t make it and coupled with the fact that we’d also managed to choose the night of the X-factor and ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ finals its fair to say that our nerve was being tested!

But thankfully our final ‘ingredient’ did turn up and a fun (if freezing) time was had by all. So much so that as we all made our way home to see Shane Ward and Darren Gough emerge victorious a number of people were heard to inquire as whether or not ‘we can do it all again next year?’

Who knows, but there a few mince pies still to be eaten this year first!


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