casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

More from doubting Thomas...

Talking about seeing and believing, the other day I saw (actually I heard, but it has been widely corroborated!) something that I think any footballing doubting Thomas would have struggled to accept.

I 'saw' an England fan, who had presumably invested some hard-earned cash (although the chap in question is a student so the phrase 'hard-earned' is probably quite misplaced!) in a resplendent replica kit (the one with the one star(!) - we all know that once upon a time Bobby Come-over and his mates one won some match! But come on, it's not elephant polo! ).

Anyway, getting back to the misguided student, he's bought this kit and emblazoned on the back the name of his chosen England hero (presumably favourite, most inspiring player, the one he would most like to emulate?!) - HARGREAVES! I can confirm that it is not a mispirnt, the players name is Hargreaves! Who'd have thunk it?! This guy isn't even related to the Canadian German who obviously has some dirt on Sven. Bizarre, I mean the only injury worry most England fans had over Hargreaves in the build up to the World Cup was that he would be fit!

Not naming any names, the deluded student's brother is the author of Typing while my i-pod updates.

Seeing really is believing!


Blogger Thomas said...

YAY! 2 blog titles with my name in it. Shame thomas was the doubting disciple.

2:58 PM

Blogger Glyn Harries said...

Excellent news about the elephant polo by the way. I know it was a while ago but I had no idea till I followed your link just now.

Can you get elephant polo shirts?

2:46 PM

Blogger Keeley said...

Yet again more doubting goin on. so if i told you that the government listen to everything you say and watch your every move would you doubt me. sorry about that i just wanted to air my government conspircy theories

1:04 PM

Blogger nick said...

Obviously Glyn, as a nation we don't like to shout about our successes - not for us the 1966 syndrome - we're far too humble for that!

Re: elephant polo shirts I'm just not sure I know any elephants that would want one! But I'm sure SP&S will be on to it quick enough if there is a gap in the market!

1:13 PM

Blogger nick said...

If I was being similarly provocative Keeley I would ask why the government shouldn't be listening in! If you've got nothing to hide it shouldn't bother you! You could even argue the government has a duty to listen in!

But like I say, I would only say that if I was being provocative, which as you obviously know (re: voting at 16 nonsense!) I would never be!

1:17 PM

Blogger Sarah said...

i just dont like him very much... or the english team for that matter. :)

2:35 AM

Blogger Keeley said...

how can you say that the government have the right to listen in. Them listening is invading people's private lifes and this is wrong. And you never no i could have something to hide i wouldn't tell you and you most likely wouldn't believe me if i told you lol... and don't bring up the lowering the voting age again because i will win lol...

3:40 PM


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