casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

'Local vicar stabbed on doorstep'... the Newham Recorder headline in my head as a very agitated and tormented man introduced himself. Availability and vulnerability - the double-edged 'advantage' of living above the hall!

Steve was very clearly not a peace, with talk of conspiracy, satanic cults, sexual abuse and institutional intimidation it was hard to grasp where to start, so I thought I'd listen.

Having shared his jumbled and incoherent thoughts it was clear that Steve's daily life was painful and isolated - 'no-one understood, believed or cared about him.' I'm not sure how much 'help' I was or could be, but he seemed pleased to find someone who let him talk and didn't write him off as a babbling nutter - I'm glad he hadn't 'read' the headline in my head.

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