casual thoughts and reflections upon life and the Creator whose idea it was in the first place

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Every cloud has one!

The morning after England's ignominious exit from the World Cup I overheard two of our elderly neighbours chatting. For the purposes of 'blogland' and the reinforcement of unhelpful stereotypes the conversation took place between Ethel and Mabel:

Ethel: 'Did you see it last night?'

Mabel: 'Yeh, it wasn't too good, was it.'

Ethel: 'No, but we did lose the boy Beckham and that lad... whats his name... Rooney.'

Mabel: 'Yeh, but we won the war.'

So there we have it, every cloud has one, and for despondent England fans everywhere it would appear that the silver lining is some long since fought and 'won' war!

(N.B. this conversation ironically took place on the 90th anniversary of the bloodiest day, of the bloodiest battle in the bloodiest war we've ever fought and 'won'.)


Blogger Thomas said...

over half a million soldiers from both sides lost thier lives in that one battle...but the football....well that rooney how pathetic...cant even control his temper. o well come on andy i forgot he's out too.

1:31 AM

Blogger Keeley said...

yep british can't win anything wel i want Lleyton hewitt to win tennis any way even though he is austrailian

5:54 AM


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