Preach the gospel always, use words amplified through a megaphone if you have to!
Obviously not the famous words ascribed to St. Francis of Assisi, but Philip Howard the (in)famous Oxford Street preacher, or at least he was until recently when he was ASBO'd and banned from uses his trusty megaphone.
In the face of such 'presecution' Philip seems to have picked up his megaphone and walked, actually he probably jumped on the Central line, anyway however he travelled he seems to think that the good folk of Stratford are either more tolerant or more in need of his declaratory 'encouragement' to be 'winners not sinners'!
With everyone around me smiling (or smirking?!) it was a nice surprise to hear him and to learn that Stratford is a place where freedom of speech/preach reigns supreme, but I'm less than convinced by his choosen method of 'evangelism'. I'm just not sure that megaphone-enhanced proclamation us the best way to share 'good news'. I think i might be with Mr Bell...
'Megaphone guy, I don't think its working.
All the yelling and the judgement and the condemnation,
I don't think its working.
I actually think its making things worse.
I don't think its what Jesus had in mind.'
Rob Bell, Bullhorn, NOOMA 9